August 26, 2010

FairTax Under Attack--Help Expose the Liars!

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Our FairTax Campaign and SUPPORTING Candidates -Under Attack!

Dear ,
Washington political campaign machines are now producing slick TV ads distorting the FairTax to blacken the reputations of scores of Congressional candidates who support our issue and even worse, to scare the general public away from the FairTax with deliberate distortions.
No More! We draw the line in the sand right here and right now!
We're starting a FairTax Defense Fund to take on FairTax liars. Our "truth squad" work starts today with your help and there is not a moment to lose!
For all of you who wondered, "WHEN?" here is your answer--"NOW!".
Right now, ads are being prepared, speeches given and campaign communications sent out that distort the FairTax, scare the public and undermine the chances of FairTax supporting candidates.

We've already seen speeches and mailers in Indiana, Ohio and elsewhere. The TV and radio lies are coming. There will be many more unless we act now.

It typically looks like this in a TV or radio ad--"my opponent favors a brand new 23% tax on everything! We can't afford him/her with their new for me instead...".
They leave out that the FairTax eliminates the income tax and FICA payroll tax, that we take home our entire paychecks free of federal withholding or that this legislation can pull trillions of dollars of offshore money into our economy and get every American back to work.
The polite--and political- way to say it is that they are "misleading" voters. I'll call it what it really is--bald-faced lying by cynical campaign operatives and compliant candidates who will do or say anything to get a vote.
With as many as a hundred candidates running on the FairTax this year is our best chance yet to advance our legislation.
But we also face a terrible danger of losing public support if opponent's lies about the FairTax take hold. We can't let that happen.
That's why we've established the FairTax Defense Fund and why I need to ask for your help.


Borrowing from Dickens I might say it is the best of times and the worst of times.

There are more FairTax candidates running than ever before--that's the good news-- but this has inspired highly organized and well-funded attacks on the FairTax across the nation.

We'll use the FAIRTAX DEFENSE FUND, not for PAC activities but for public education where the FairTax is being distorted..
The point being-we'll fight tooth and nail for our issue and against the lies!
When the public knows about the FairTax--like in Georgia--these distortions backfire every time. We have to make sure the public knows about the FairTax in highly visible districts where it is being distorted.
If we don't, no one else will. It's up to us and right now before even more damage is done!
Washington political campaign machines are now producing slick TV ads distorting the FairTax to blacken the reputations of those Congressional candidates who support our issue and even worse, to scare the general public away from the FairTax with deliberate distortions.
Thank the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for producing and distributing the ads lying about the FairTax.
Thank the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee for telling every FairTax supporting candidate to "cut and run" from the issue!

As usual, the political insiders in Washington--both parties--are working in their own ways to undermine this well-researched and outsider's common sense solution to the worst financial crisis our nation has faced since the Great Depression.

They are working to kill the FairTax at the ballot box and we must now allow that to happen!
We need to shine a spotlight on them and watch them scurry away the same way a roach runs when discovered in the light.
We either make a stand right now and shut down the lies or see few candidates ever run on the issue again-- or even co-sponsor our FairTax legislation once elected.
It's that simple and that important--we stand and fight now or give up the ship.
It takes money to buys ads, put up billboards, travel to press conferences and editorial board meetings and train candidates on how to stand up to the distortions and make them backfire.
This is where the rubber meets the road so I must ask you to donate at least $10.00 today to our FairTax Defense Campaign Fund.
Don't let the FairTax liars get away with it.

Click here to help us defend the FairTax!

We have the political machinery of Washington, D.C. against us but we have the best idea to come along in decades behind us. The public will listen if we get our message out to fellow citizens.
We have you and every other FairTaxer in our corner. We can use this moment to win over thousands, maybe millions, of new supporters who will then support good, strong FairTax Members of Congress.
Or, we can sit back and watch political insiders from both parties dismantle our campaign.
It's up to us--as it always has been. Please contribute generously today.
Thank you for believing and thank you for helping.
Ken Hoagland
PS I will send each contributor a full report on the intelligence we gather in these races and the actions we take. You are going to like seeing us fight--and fight hard--to embarrass the liars and help FairTax candidates.

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Paid for by Americans for Fair Taxation

Send Check/Money Order to: Americans For Fair Taxation | PO BOX 1108 | Houston | TX | 77251

MiFairTax: Michigan's Tax Structure is SO BAD ... | FairTax Pls


Drummers and MFTA Logo
MI FAIRTAX CLARION SENTINEL official newsletter vol. 14
Michigan's Tax Structure is SO BAD ...
that the state of OHIO is aggressively soliciting Michigan's Job Providers to relocate in the Buckeye state, to benefit from Ohio's recently overhauled and reduced tax structure.
     Ohio Means Business Logo 
 OHIO sees it! - Why doesn't MICHIGAN?
See what OHIO is offering MICHIGAN businesses!

 MI FairTax needs voters to win 

Butt Kicked or Kick Butt?

 That is the Question


Looking at what Ohio is doing to attract job providers and how Michigan compares is a real eye opener.  We get our butt kicked as the most expensive state in the region in which to do business... but we should be kicking butt by providing the most attractive tax environment for business and individuals in the U.S.

     The MI FairTax is the solution.  With the great loss of jobs Michigan has endured, jobs are issue No. 1!  No other proposal provides a solution that is sufficiently bold and has an economic impact significant enough to change business location and expansion decisions.

      To date we have seen no tax reform proposal from Virg Bernaro, and while the reduction in tax compliance cost provided by Rick Snyder's tax reform proposal is to be applauded, when compared with Ohio's tax plan, Rick's 6% business income tax and other remaining taxes leaves Michigan very uncompetitive.

       Two years ago the MI FairTax was considered by many politicos as too difficult for explanation in a campaign.  The 2/3 win rate for MI FairTax candidates in the 2010 primary, and strong finish by Pete Hoekstra (who advocated for the MI FairTax in his campaign) have proven otherwise.  In spite of his relatively small campaign expenditure Hoekstra finished second even in the face of heavy negative attack advertisements by the MI Chamber of Commerce, Mike Cox Campaign and an out-of-state issue organization citing Hoekstra's tax on services. 

      Once perceived by some as a political uncertainty, the MI FairTax has become a political asset.  The public, is now sufficiently informed to understand that the MI FairTax is the solution, and they will back candidates that promise to support and enact the Michigan proposal.                                                           
      The MI FairTax has gained more public support than any other statewide issue.  The MI FairTax is non partisan, neither conservative nor liberal, and delivers votes from across the political spectrum to any candidate who advocates it. 

Roger Buchholtz
President, MFTA

MIFairTax, the solution providing Michigan a bright future!

        Remove hidden taxes from goods and services.
Create Michigan JOBS, a magnet for business growth.

Protect everyone from taxation on necessities.
Untax everyone's consumption up to poverty level.

       Guarantee citizens a larger share of their earnings.
        By Working, By Saving, By Investing.

Eliminate the buying and selling of tax favors.
        The cancer which is destroying our state government.

        ONLINETAXREVOLT  277,192 and growing!
        Our goal 1 million strong.




We act as if politicians are movie stars. We consider a politician informed because they hear more about what is going on, usually from sources with an ax to grind.  The politician will never step out on a limb to govern, most politicians are devout followers. The only safe course for them is to follow the results generated by polls. Why do we expect the culture will change when we elect a new representative; because the candidate said it would change?
       The answer is; Change comes from those governed, not the elected few. Change comes because the voters hold candidates feet to the fire, and make them commit to dedicated, defined, and vetted proposals, which independent economic authorities have studied. Change comes from the people, the voters have all the power. This is a fact, and Michigan voters can move mountains. Michigan voters can demand a Michigan FairTax! When people take time to learn about the Michigan FairTax they become advocates for a system that will return JOBS in droves to Michigan. They become supporters of limited state fiscal responsibility in Lansing, placing greater fiscal responsibility in the hands of Michigan citizens. The Michigan FairTax, the Voice Of  Tax Excellence, VOTE!
Ronald ReaganThe government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases:  If it moves, tax it.  If it keeps moving, regulate it.  And if it stops moving, subsidize it: Ronald Reagan
What do we want? Does Michigan want to rank as the best place, the place where every business wants to set up shop? The place where businesses already in Michigan are the envy of business leaders nationally? Or do we continue trying to buy our way out of this recession/depression with tax dollars most of us do not have? "I will bring/create jobs in Michigan!" an oft heard campaign theme bandied about by those seeking the governor's office.  Unfortunately it usually means, "If I am elected I will give my cronies access to the public trough in the hope it creates a few jobs." The fact that the Michigan Economic Development Corporation both creates and destroys jobs with funds that could be used in other projects, attests to the futility in this approach. How do we as voters know the difference? Have you insisted your candidate support the Michigan FairTax? Remember, many politician's in Michigan oppose the Michigan FairTax, because it would place more than 1000 lobbyists in Lansing on the unemployment line, and completely dry up a lucrative source of campaign cash, all because a FairTax is harder to lobby. Quite simply the FairTax removes the political ability to game the system. So when I hear campaign rhetoric, promises that the candidate has the solution in his pocket, I will trust the FairTax. Politicians do not fight that which benefits them, they fight solutions that take away their power returning it to the people.
Editor in Chief:
Donald S 'Doby' Dobrosky, Sr.
In This Issue
FairTax Facts
Butt Kicked or Kicked Butt?
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Current Events
Cheboygan Chapter,
Michigan Township's Assc. 7:30pm August 26th


SEPT. 5 AND 6, 2010
Locate an event or see what's going on at our website

Schedule an event!

 A  FairTax speaker can be be obtained for any group in Michigan who requests such a program. Contact:

This is the multi group patriotic rally we have been looking for. The FairTax dress is red shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers for the bridge walk.. There will be a patriotic rock band, silent singers, radio and TV coverage by helicopter of the bridge walk. We need thousands of red shirts. Candidates for Michigan's Governor will be there and many more who seek office in the House and Senate. It's our opportunity to demonstrate in one morning the power of Michigan's FairTax. The organizer's are looking to have six thousand people walk the bridge this year, no signs allowed on bridge! Here is our chance to demonstrate the power of the Michigan FairTax!

Contribute to Success!
Michigan Jobs, their creation and retention, are best accomplished with the Michigan FairTax.  That requires voters be informed, and develop the resolve to make the FairTax Michigan law. The ball is in your court, JOBS for your family and friends depend on success. A potential rise in your standard of living should encourage you to get on board financially. The wind is at our back! The Michigan FairTax has the ability to capitalize on voter anger and frustration over the lack of JOBS. Gubernatorial candidates from all parties do not yet understand that the FairTax is the will of the people. This is a battle we must not lose. Now is the time, I encourage you to


Your donation helps bring 
  JOBS to Michigan


 Nov. 2, 2010



Will your candidate
vote yes
in Lansing?

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