January 24, 2010

HB 5319 would strip private water rights from MI Property owners

Every resident of the state of Michigan who wants to keep their water rights the same needs to know about House Bill 5319 introduced by Representative Dan Scripts from Leland Michigan. HB 5319 would strip private water rights from all current and future Michigan property owners without compensation and place them in the "public trust". Politicians in Lansing would like everyone with property rights, rivers, lakes, ponds and water wells to believe HB 5319 is necessary to protect Michigan waters. Nothing could be further from the truth!  I am convinced that the private use of groundwater is being considered as a new revenue source for state and local government.
As a registered water well driller, I can assure you that Michigan has some of the most stringent water protection laws, regulations and local ordinances in the nation. Our family owned company has proudly spent three generations providing safe drinking water to homeowners and businesses. This also includes potable water wells for local government and the state of . We always properly grout new wells that we drill and plug old abandoned wells under strict standards to protect groundwater from contamination.  All water well contracting firms are trained in proper procedures according to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality health code before they become registered Drilling Contractors. This health code was designed to protect human health and the private property rights in a land owner's water resource. A land owner's right to the reasonable use of water from their own property has historically received the highest protection by state law and the courts.
Representative Scripts is attempting to quietly, and without landowner compensation, strip away these important property rights and place them in the "public trust". This is despite the recent important protections passed by the Legislature to limit the export of water and regulation of large quantity water withdrawals from all sources. This was part of the Great Lakes Compact that was recently enacted for the whole .
Most of our customers are glad they have control over their own water system and water resources. They are also assured that barring any mechanical failures, they will not receive a water bill each month. The right to develop and reasonably use water is critical to growth and commerce throughout Michigan. I urge all water well owners and those that may have reason to believe they may rely on groundwater in the future to read HB 5319 and understand the dangerous threat it presents to current and future homeowners.
If you agree, then please contact your state Senator and Representative to oppose HB 5319. If you decide to do nothing and this bill passes, I believe it will only be a short time until you will be required to install a meter on your well and be billed to use the water that was once your own.

Robert Webb II

R Webb & Son Well Drilling


my comment:

What is with government these days?  We have miles of reams of laws, most of which protect us from government, but of late, it is government taking liberty and freedom at will.  Maybe we can blame it on no fault insurance.  Since no one is at fault, no one is without fault.  Therefore the Government must be our nanny and to do that, which can never be afforded according to history, they must tax everything.  Sick is a word to use.  

Demand when you call to end this continuing nightmare of a bill, to put mifairtax on the ballot so we can vote one it, thus bringing employment back to Michigan.  http://mifairtax.org

Constitutional conduct by Govt and FairTax please,



Illinois U.S. Senate race is needing primary Collating of Patriot Conservatives #ilsen

Be sure to read comment after Erick's Blogg:

Is it really 'fringe'? And is the game coming on for Pat Hughes?

Pat Brady, the Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, says the anti-Mark Kirk element within the GOP is 'fringe.'
That's actually not quite true and is precisely why so many conservatives in Illinois don't like Brady or Kirk — they feel repeated disrespected and treated as fringe.
In fact, considering how active the Illinois Tea Party movement is in opposing Kirk, Brady is, in effect, calling all of those activists fringe. He might want to be careful.
Conservatives across the country are seriously considering a last minute air-drop of support into Illinois for Pat Hughes. The thinking goes that the last minute effort to help Scott Brown put him over the finish line and the same could be done in these last eleven days before the Illinois GOP primary.
If conservatives come out early next week in an organized fashion, throw a pile of targeted money into Illinois, and rapidly drive up Pat Hughes' name identification, the polling in Illinois suggests Hughes will win....full article here

my comment:

We need a poll of the Illinois Primary ASAP.

If Lowry is anywhere close to being in this race, call upon our National Leaders to make an historic event.  Many are thinking it is money that is driving the Revolution, but it is not TV, it is the many on e-mail, on hyperspace that spread truth faster then a Warbler. 

If Hughes has the full momentum, call upon the Patriots to send forth the greater strength Candidate for the Quest.  We are trailblazing in this and are starting with races in our face.  Let us find unity in our growing pains and exemplify our Quest of winning this civil war with the Nationalists of the GOP.

Being as the Winner of the Year by the Paul Weyrich Group, let we Patriot Conservatives bring our focus timeline issues through Erick. 

Is there any polls out there on Illinois?

The Tea Party Nation came out for Hughes, and has since resolved by considering the true conservative Judge Lowrey. Here is the announcement e-mail by Independence Caucus who vetter the Judge and endorsed him on 1/10/10:
The number of endorsements by Pariot groups is large for the Judge. But again, the polls will tell us where to place our hyperforce. I hold the Judge as a surprise, and Hughes as we'll see. Now we are down to eight days. We need a poll.
Petition of the Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., that, to wit: Be it known henceforth, "the Value of the Elected Representative of the United States of America, who has taken the Constitutional Oath of Office, shall be of the authority to challenge any Law to which is deemed Unconstitutional." Let FREEDOM Reign!!!
