July 21, 2009

Rassmusen poll putting Romney on top did nto include Huckabee in Survey

Read from bottom up to follow this e-mail exchange with Rasmusseen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 7:05 PM
Subject: [mikehuckabee-7] Read Rasmussen's response... Huckabee Should Be in 2012 Presidential Polls!

read below what Rasmussen say's
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: Huckabee Should Be in 2012 Presidential Polls!

Rasmussen Polls:

Thanks for your quick response. It was very professional of you to try to explain your thought processes and your reasoning. However, I did not see this poll. I heard about it from friends. What they are saying is that you are excluding Gov. Huckabee in all of your polls and including Romney in all of them.

Having said that, your reasoning makes no sense. You say: "It seemed far more likely that Palin would be urged to consider an independent campaign if Romney was the nominee rather than Huckabee."

What on earth do you mean by that? If Romney is the nominee, we would already be past the point of Gov. Palin deciding whether or not to run for an Independent Campaign. It would be much too late for that after the GOP nominee is already chosen. 90 to 100% of the debates would already be over.

At the point Gov. Palin would be deciding whether to throw her hat in the ring, both Gov. Romney and Gov. Huckabee might already be in the race. They've both run before, but Gov. Huckabee has greater name recognition because he has the most watched FNC show and has the highest ratings!

Please explain further. Thanks!


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Other Emails <other.emails@rasmussenreports.com> wrote:

As you may know, we were the first firm to note Huckabee's rise in the Iowa caucuses during 2007 and the first to show him ahead in that race. We will certainly include him in future polling as the campaign unfolds.


The reason for conducting the poll that you mentioned was to measure the possible impact of a Sarah Palin Presidential campaign as an independent. We needed to track her performance against another candidate with high name recognition. Romney was selected rather than Huckabee because Huckabee and Palin have much common ground in their core base of support. It seemed far more likely that Palin would be urged to consider an independent campaign if Romney was the nominee rather than Huckabee.


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Subject: Huckabee Should Be in 2012 Presidential Polls!
From: Deborah Mulholand <dmulholand@gmail.com>
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Mr. Scott Rasmussen:

You seem like an intelligent, likable guy.

It is beyond me why you are including Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential discussions when he came in THIRD in the CNN delegate.

Yet you fail to include Gov. Mike Huckabee who came in SECOND in CNN's delegate count!

Your fuzzy math just doesn't add up!

Huckabee -- 278, Romney -- 271.

Deborah Mulholand, Dayton, Ohio
The reason for conducting the poll that you mentioned was to measure the possible impact of a Sarah Palin Presidential campaign as an independent. We needed to track her performance against another candidate with high name recognition. Romney was selected rather than Huckabee because Huckabee and Palin have much common ground in their core base of support
