October 28, 2015

My Tweets @Cbncdebate #CNBCDEBATE #GOPDEBATE #IMwithHuck #FairTax

My Tweets @Cbncdebate #CNBCDEBATE #GOPDEBATE #IMwithHuck #FairTax

@JohnKasich, you've not heard of #FairTax? U speak no plan, just blame. Ur right, all plans but FairTax R myth.

#Ditto @RandPaul to #budgetdeal. Great job in controlling the 1st free for all, Mam!

@SenTedCruz, Y just a pay portion for youth to define? #FairTax gives 100% @GovMikeHuckabee stood even higher demanding integrity

#FairTax language to Repeal 16th Amend in 7 yrs will make sure no direct tax is ever allowed again

Pray America hears @GovMikeHuckabee on #FairTax fixing Social Security

SSI is contract w/Citizens~integrity's important 4 liberty's existence. No greater need

IRS=Direct tax into product price,forced communism =indirect tax,voluntary Freedom

Hour 50 mins and on the economy, not one word of #FairTax#CNBCDebate #CNBC #CNN #foxnews#gopdebate #ImWithHuck @GovMikeHuckabee

Fix Social Security~ change tax code to freetrade formula, sales tax makes Fed tax burden equal to imports, JOBS~ #CNBCGOPDebate #FairTax

@GovMikeHuckabee - w/#FairTax. All other plans leave 19% payroll tax in price of USA Goods so workers can pay again 4 theirs

, you endorsed in Florida & now? Make's a window to the soul. Repent and shine.

, Audit the Fed means u need a Jubilee to fix what you find 'Jubilee http://rgeorgedunn.blogspot.com/p/simple-way-to-jubilee-federal-reserve.html

describing Blimp today as our government, Finger on the Wall~
