April 28, 2010

Do You Support Arizona? How about Puerto Rico

Border States, like Arizona are under siege from foreign nationals illegally entering this nation, by the failure of the Federal Government to protect the States as mandated by the Constitution.  It is the right of each State to protect itself from any invasion as well.  Though what Arizona is doing may seem extreme, in light of what is happening to that State, their new Immigration Law is actually rather tranquil to what is needed.
If Puerto Rico can get Statehood, more power to them.  As to the cost of social programs being absorbed by adding a poor nation, we need to change to States' owning and controlling any socialism that is done in these United States and transition SSI
 & Medicare/aid out of existence.
R. George Dunn
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Do You Support Arizona's New Law?
Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,

We are getting a lot of emails from inside of Arizona asking for support of their state's new law and from outside of Arizona expressing their opinion about the new law. 

Do you support Arizona's new immigration law and believe in the right of each state to protect its own citizens from the effects of illegal immigration? If so, go to our petition site and sign the petition.  After signing the petition, share the link with everyone on your Facebook pages and email lists.  Finally, use the 'I Support Arizona' image on your Facebook and Twitter profiles.

For further information, here is a link to the text of the bill.

I support Arizona

Stay tuned for information about the Puerto Rico statehood vote in the US House tomorrow and let us know if you want us to do something about it.  Email tppatriotssupport@gmail.com with your opinions and thoughts. Thanks!

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Rob Gaudet, Ryan Hecker, 
Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman

Tea Party Patriots Support Email:  tppatriotssupport@gmail.com
Tea Party Patriots Support Phone: 404-593-0877

Jenny Beth Martin (jennybethm@gmail.com, 770-878-1550, @jenuinejen)
Dawn Wildman (dmwtpp11@yahoo.com)
Mark Meckler (
Debbie Dooley (debbie0040@yahoo.com)
Diana Reimer (philatppatriots@gmail.com)

Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (status pending). Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
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U.S. News & World report Letter to the editor: Flat tax is a Shadow of continued Darkness

The proposed Flat Tax pushed by Gingrich, Forbes, and other politicians who have conservative Nationalist desires, is merely an saving of the current tax structure to further propel the power to which is in the Congress giving and taking of property by means of taxation or lobbyist favor of waivers.
President Reagan gave us a flat tax at the time of opening up our borders to free trade with the world.  This flat tax has been amended over 1,200 times by congress and has grown our tax federally, as well as add to the now open corruption of Congress. 
The flat tax also does nothing to remove the burden on domestic production which our current tax system, created while under closed USA border trade.  By keeping the current tax system and calling it flat does not change our demise of manufacturing loss from our tax structure.  We must mind a way that treats imports and domestic product equally tax wise. FairTax will do this and so speaking of the flat tax must be viewed from the realization of how it is much less plan then the FairTax, the flat tax is.
R. George Dunn
6693 Maple Ridge Rd.
Alger, MI  48610
