October 04, 2010

#Mi01- Doc Benishek Attacked by McDowell Misrepresenting the FairTax ~ MiFairtax.org


Michigan FairTax Association
Truth in Taxation


October 1, 2010
Contact: Roger Buchholtz  (269) 345-0950
                President, Michigan FairTax Assn
McDowell & DCCC mislead public on Banishek's support for HR 25, the FairTax Act, that will - if enacted - END the IRS and government's claims upon payroll and income.
(Kalamazoo, MI) - In an effort to get a "leg up" on his rival in Michigan's 1st Congressional District contest, candidate Gary McDowell (D), and his surrogates at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) have been running attack ads against Republican rival, Dan Benishek. These ads mislead Michigan voters by misrepresenting the proposed FairTax Act a bill currently in Congress which Banishek supports. The misrepresentation is similar to that used by the DCCC to attack FairTax-supporting candidates across the country.  

Michigan FairTax's President, Roger Buchholtz, remarked,

"McDowell's misleading ads imply that the FairTax is a proposed new sales tax that would be levied on top of all other current taxes when, in actuality, it replaces most current federal taxes."

The FairTax - if enacted - will eliminate the IRS, and government claims on income, business and personal.  The FairTax will replace

 · the income tax,
 · Social Security & Medicare taxes and death,
 · inheritance tax, and
 · gift taxes

and replace their revenue with a

 · simple retail sales tax

that will save $500 billion each year in tax compliance cost - equivalent to $1,700 for every man, woman and child in America!

FairTax Ends Government's Claim On Our Income
Americans will no longer see the government "take theirs first" by withholding wage-earners' hard-earned dollars from their paychecks. Instead, the government will ONLY see revenue when families SPEND their money, deriving the benefit of a "new, at retail" purchase.

Rather than be subjected to income-tax filing deadlines, under threat of audit, interest, and penalties, citizens will - if the FairTax Act is enacted - simply, "pay it at the cash register." Americans will then be able to see their true tax burden for the first time in generations, as the tax will appear on every sales receipt. 

FairTax Ends Business Taxes Hidden In Higher Prices
Today, by taxing businesses and all the labor and materials in the production of goods and services, much of our tax burden is hidden in the price of the things we buy. A Harvard University study concluded that 22% of the price of things we buy are taxes buried/hidden in the price.  This hidden tax is paid by all of us when we buy American produced products.  To make matters worse, we pay again when we lose our jobs because our company is placed at a 22% competitive disadvantage compared with foreign produced products.

McDowell & DCCC: Controlling Citizens Through Income Tax Code
These attacks by the DCCC and some candidates are attempts to preserve the status quo, where politicians have power never intended by our Founding Fathers.  The FairTax eliminates this power by eliminating the buying and selling of tax favors which takes place under today's income tax system and corrupts our representative form of government resulting in an unresponsive and bloated government.

Buchholtz pointed out,

"Politicians, special interests, and lobbyists who represent them on Capitol Hill, see the FairTax as a threat to the considerable power they can exercise over individual and business behavior under the current tax system.

"Dan Benishek - and candidates like him across the country - exhibits the courage and leadership necessary to confront those who would keep us saddled with a failed income tax system."

He continued,

"The truth is that the FairTax will both reduce the cost of doing business in America, and it will stop penalizing our citizens who choose to work harder, save and invest. Together, these effects will make America the global destination for business, bringing jobs and prosperity back to our citizens."

FairTax information can be viewed at www.fairtax.org.

Michigan FairTax Association | PO Box 703 | Sterling heights | MI | 48311

Help the person that is trying to unseat Pelosi, John Dennis ~@Icaucus


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The Pelosi Antidote

john_dennis Nancy Pelosi vs. ... who?  John Dennis, that's who. 

If you're fed up with Nancy Pelosi's method of shoving President Obama's agenda of "fundamental change" down America's throat, there is an alternative.

Even though it may seem like every Republican candidate in America is running against Nancy Pelosi this year, there is only one candidate actually running against Pelosi in her own district.  He is an accomplished businessman and entrepreneur named John Dennis, and he's endorsed by iCaucus. 

John Dennis is FOR:
  • Liberty
  • Adherence to the Constitution
  • Smaller government
  • Free markets
  • Lower taxes
  • Auditing the Federal Reserve
And he is AGAINST:
  • Bailouts
  • Irresponsible spending and debt
  • Institutionalized collectivism
  • Over reaching government
If that sounds like a refreshing change from the agenda you've seen from Nancy Pelosi, then please consider supporting John, and the 90+ other candidates endorsed by iCaucus.  If there is ever going to be a year to replace entrenched incumbents like Nancy Pelosi with principled candidates like John Dennis, this is that year!  Please don't wait for some other opportunity to make a difference.  This is it.  Please follow the link below and..

Donate to support iCaucus endorsed candidates.

To learn more about John Dennis visit his website at www.johndennis2010.com, or watch his interview on Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napalitano.

Watch Video: John Dennis interviewed on Freedom Watch

Membership ICaucus
793 Orchard Dr
Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062
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Saul of Michigan Weekly Musing is Stalwart Standard Bearer of the Mi Renascence, Teaparty Patriot Style

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: R. George Dunn <rgeorgedunn@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 9:31 PM
Subject: Saul of Michigan Weekly Musing is Stalwart Standard Bearer of the Mi Renascence, Teaparty Patriot Style
To: Alger Meetup <mikehuckabee-7@meetup.com>

From: Saul Anuzis
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 9:00 AM
To: john.waltman@att.net
Subject: "That's Saul Folks" Weekly Musing 10-3-10

Weekly Musing 10-3-10
Saul Anuzis
MI: Republican National Committeeman
  30 Days Left Until the General Election!!!
 Michigan State University 5-0
University of Michigan 5-0
 Talk about a great football game coming up NEXT Saturday in Ann Arbor!
  By this time in 2008, the McCain for President campaign had given up on Michigan voters and had pulled their campaign efforts out of our state. We lost congressional and state legislative seats.  Michigan Republicans fought to the end…never giving up.
 Today, we are on the verge of winning back those congressional seats and MORE.  We are working to win BACK the Governor's seat.  Republicans are looking to increase their majority in the State Senate and knocking on the door of taking back a House Republican Majority.
 We have key Supreme Court, Attorney General, Secretary of State and other statewide campaigns that are poised to be part of our own "revolution"!
 Times have changed…America has woken up…and Michigan Republicans are there.  We will "earn" a second chance and have a responsibility to lead with principle and vision.
 Washington and the Democrats have surged too far to the left.  Pushing radical programs that are out of touch with American voters, Obama and the Democrats are in trouble.  Democrats are spending too much; borrowing too much; and leaving our children and grandchildren with unsustainable deficits to pay off.
 If you're mad as hell…and don't want to take it anymore…vote for change!
  Have you Voted by Absentee Ballot – I Have!
I expect to be out of my hometown area campaigning on behalf of Republican candidates around the state, so I have already "banked" my vote on behalf of Republican candidates.  You can to…and should.  Cast your vote early so you have the option of helping us where we need you most.  Don't take any chances, "bank" your vote early…change is on the way!
  But it's NOT OVER!  Are Democrats Waking Up
"Most of the experts who analyzed the NBC/WSJ numbers concluded that the results represent no big change in the overall political climate, but that Democrats could be getting more engaged. But one poll isn't a trend, and other high-quality surveys that carefully screen for likely voters should be examined for signs that Democrats really are becoming energized."
  "Priceless" ad about Virg Bernero's Record
The facts and your public record…WITHOUT distortion can be a scary thing.  PLEASE SHARE!
  A New Website on Democrat Dave Leyton's record A Record of Failure – Now he wants a Promotion?
With David Leyton's record as Genesee County's Prosecutor – running for Attorney General to be the top law enforcement officer in the State seems to be an outrage.  See the heartbreaking stories about his failures…justice denied.
  Five Democrats Congressional Seats in Play!
This is one of the most competitive environments I have ever seen in both Michigan and our country.  For the first time I can remember, we actually have FIVE Congressional seats held by Democrats that Republicans have a chance to pick up.  PLEASE, do you part to help our candidates in you area!
Dr. Dan Benishek (Bart Stupak's open seat)
John Kupiec (Dale Kildee – D)
Tim Walberg (Mark Schauer – D)
Rocky Rackowski (Gary Peters – D)
Dr. Rob Steele (John Dingell – D)
 There is a reason Democrats fear a "meltdown" in the Midwest…and Michigan Republicans can be a part of it!  Everything and Anything you can do…helps!
  Democrats fear Midwestern meltdown
"There's two major factors. One is that there are a lot of swing voters, as well as a lot of Reagan Democrat voters, in the Midwest, and therefore I think the national mood hits harder," said Saul Anuzis, the former Michigan Republican Party chairman. "And secondly you're talking about record unemployment."
 http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42713.html  Democrat's Attack – Are We Ready
"Negative advertisements have hit the airwaves early as Democratic candidates fight to preserve party's congressional majority…Democratic candidates across the country are opening a fierce offensive of negative advertisements against Republicans, using lawsuits, tax filings, reports from the Better Business Bureau and even divorce proceedings to try to discredit their opponents and save their congressional majority."
  New Michigan Republican Party State Chairman
As ALL our efforts are focused on this fall's election coming up November 2nd, there is more and more talk about who will be the NEXT Chairman of our party.  The names that I have heard most often mentioned are: Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop, MRP Vice Chair Torion Bridges, MRP Vice Chair Scott Greenlee,  Former MRP Vice Chair Stan Grot, Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, MRP Finance Chair Bob Schostak and MRP Vice Chair Norm Shinkle.  Some great options, just an FYI.
  Sam Adams Alliance Provides Some Great Analysis About Who the Tea Party Activists Are
Sam Adams Alliance's market research explores the dynamics of American culture, from Tea Parties to political brands.
  ObamaCare & the Costs of the Welfare State
"Obamacare inclines America in the long run to some combination of the following: the sullen acceptance of government-distributed scarcity, envy of people who have more than their fair share of health care, and growing alienation from a system that tries to play God but does so without wisdom, justice, or mercy. These toxic sentiments will be familiar to anyone who has lived under socialism, for they are its concomitants. When added to the caustic effects of dependency on government, they amount to a prescription for an American character increasingly unfit for self-government.
As Ronald Reagan once warned, you can't socialize the doctors without also socializing the patients."
  Social Media: The New Battleground for Politics - GOP Leading the Way!
"It's arguable that both parties are executing well on their strategies. Of the two, the Republican party's efforts — focusing on the core through crowdsourcing and listening efforts, and then empowering the core to push out on a national and local level — are most likely to create groundswells of activity across the web. It's a populist approach that can make local bloggers into national party voices, and creates encouragement across the entire country for local races."
  Online New Media Efforts – Join Me
So, where can you find me almost daily fighting the fight…yes, on Twitter and Facebook!  If you are interested in following the debate, helping make a difference or just to stay informed, join me at:
 Twitter:  @sanuzis
 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Saulius-Saul-Anuzis/117948079728
 Please Share This Information
Yes, please feel free to forward this weekly newsletter.  If someone wants to be put on my list, just send me their email address.  If you want to add your club or county activists to the Sunday Musings…just send me the list.  I don't share it or rent it…it's just for this newsletter.
 Thanks for all you do!!!
 Keep the faith!
This message sent to john.waltman@att.net by sanuzis@gmail.com.
Saul Anuzis
Coast to Coast Strategies
5 Locust Lane
Lansing, MI 48911

If everyone knew all there is to know, they would not do half the things they do, including myself, therefore I must forgive them, including myself.

If everyone knew all there is to know, they would not do half the things they do, including myself, therefore I must foregive them, including myself.

#Mi01 Congress race: #NRA has endorsed #Dems Gary McDowell over #GOP Doc @Benishek . Fancy that #GOA (Gun Owners of America) #MiGov #migop

McDowell Gets N.R.A. Endorsement

Rep. Gary McDowell of Rudyard got a big lift Monday in the hotly competitive race for the 1st U.S. House District when the National Rifle Association enthusiastically endorsed his campaign, making Mr. McDowell one of just three Democrats endorsed by the NRA in open seats for Congress this year.

"The NRA-PVF is endorsing Gary McDowell because he is a proven defender of the Second Amendment freedoms of law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen in Michigan," said Chris Cox, chair of the NRA Political Victory Fund. "On November 2, I urge those in Michigan's 1st District to vote Gary McDowell for Congress."

Mr. McDowell is up against Republican physician Dan Benishek of Crystal Falls in one of the most competitive U.S. House races in the nation this year as the two vie to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Menominee).

The NRA cited Mr. McDowell's votes for legislation removing barriers to youth hunting, prohibiting gun confiscation during states of emergency, repealing unnecessary post-purchase inspections of hand guns and restoring the rights of law-abiding citizens to defend their property. The NRA also noted that Mr. McDowell opposes re-enacting the Clinton-era gun and magazine ban, supports national right-to-carry reciprocity and believes hunters should have access to federal lands for hunting, fishing, trapping and recreational shooting.

"It is an honor to have the continued support of the NRA," Mr. McDowell said in a statement. "As a lifelong sportsman, I have a deep respect and appreciation for hunting as a part of our way of life in northern Michigan. I will continue to fight to protect every citizen's right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment."




ROB MACOMBER  :: O 517.267.9012 :: M 517.256.7086 :: F 517.267.9078

STE 700
:: 112 E. ALLEGAN :: LANSING, MI 48933




If everyone knew all there is to know, they would not do half the things they do, including myself, therefore I must forgive them, including myself.
