January 05, 2016

USA at Nineveh Crossroad to Providential Prosperity ~Ending Abortion #ImwithHuck

With 85% of abortion clinics closed, we have one Candidate who has the providence of God in his Platform and the declaration that by Executive Constitutional Decree, Governor Huckabee will define the word 'Person' in the Constitution begins with the conception of DNA fulfills repenting of Abortion!
Let us Repent as did Nineveh, Receive God's Blessing and Rejoice in the Lord~

Mike Huckabee~
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." - Proverbs 3:5

James Potkoski~
"Wake Up America! When the Godly Rule, the People Rejoice!
Huckabee 2016!"
