January 02, 2010

NJ Legislature pushing to get Gay Marriage to Corzine before Christie is seated Gov


From: Greg Quinlan [mailto:gquinlan@njfpc.org]
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 8:43 PM
To: Greg Quinlan
Subject: EXTREMELY URGENT! Marriage Minutemen ALERT! The Enemy Never Rests and Neither Can We! NEW URGENT INFORMATION
Importance: High


Garden State Equality is calling for "Massive Lobby Day" to push the senate for a vote on homosexual marriage this Monday January 4, 2010. This is to persuade the NJ Senate President Dick Codey to have a floor vote of the full Senate on Thursday January 7. This comes on the heals of cowardly statements by outgoing Speaker of the NJ Assembly Joseph Roberts who stated that he would bypass committee hearings (bypass the democratic legislative process) in the Assembly Judiciary Committee if The NJ Senate could pass the homosexual marriage bill in the Senate. Roberts would bypass committee and allow a up or down vote in the Assembly on the same day or by January 11 the last day this current Assembly meets. Should it pass the current Governor Jon Corzine has promised to sign this anti-GOD, anti-family bill. Corzine has until the time Chris Christie is sworn in on January 19, 2010 to sign the bill. Should this happen there is nothing Chris Christie can do about it. NOTHING.


WE NEED YOU this Monday January 4, at 8:30AM in the cafe also January 7 and 11 to stop the advance of the homosexual de-define marriage bill(s). Call ALL your NJ elected officials and sign the online petition again at www.protectmarriagenj.com.


Pray without ceasing. Ask the Lord of this Battle to all that it takes to stop gay marriage in NJ and in this nation.


When you call and email express that you want this put on the ballot. Like 31 other states you want the right to vote on this extremely vital issue of the definition of marriage.


Contact Greg Quinlan  at 800-632-0967.


Wear RED if you can be there  on any of the Lobby Days January 4, 7, or 11.

God give us the Victory!






To make sure that the New Year remains happy and blest of God we need to continue to call our New Jersey State Assemblymen and Women to stop A2978 and S1967; as one of our Rabbi friends states; the "DE-Define Marriage bills." We cannot let marriage be de-defined or redefined into something that is not God-Ordained Marriage.


Frankly I am urging you to make the calls at the suggestion of a traditional marriage friendly legislator who told us to keep calling and contacting the assembly membership until January 11th.  The Legislator said to keep the phone calls, emails and faxes going to your state assembly representative. If it is after hours call and leave a message on the voice mail. Garden State Equality is doing the same with individuals calling from all over the country. When you call let them know you live in NJ and where.


The legislature has until Midnight Monday January 11th to pass the homosexual marriage bills to give to Governor Corzine to sign. If the legislature does not pass these bills the issue is dead and the homosexuals and their allies will have to start all over again.


To find your legislator go to www.protectmarriagenj.com or to http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp


When emailing male assembly members asmLASTNAME@njleg.org

When emailing female assembly member's aswLASTNAME@njleg.org  LASTNAME means put their last name in the place of last name in the email address.


LOBBY DAY REMAINS SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 4 until we know otherwise. As of this email Assembly Judiciary is not scheduled but it may be announced as late as 5 PM New Years Eve!


I will keep you posted. Make sure you study all the talking points from the email I sent on December 15, 2009.


Have a blessed and Happy New Year.



Gregory Quinlan

Director of Government Affairs

New Jersey Family First

the legislative action arm of the

New Jersey Family Policy Council

908-561-2015 Warren Office

800-632-0967 Trenton Office


 Should it pass the current Governor Jon Corzine has promised to sign this anti-GOD, anti-family bill. Corzine has until the time Chris Christie is sworn in on January 19, 2010 to sign the bill. Should this happen there is nothing Chris Christie can do about it. NOTHING.



COLORADO SPRINGS GAZETTE -- Some conservatives say their tent isn'tbig enough for gay rights

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 7:17 PM
Subject: COLORADO SPRINGS GAZETTE -- Some conservatives say their tent isn'tbig enough for gay rights

Please join AFA-Michigan, Focus on the Family, and others in urging the Conservative Political Action Conference not to accept a homosexual activist group as a sponsor of its annual meeting in February.  Thank you for your support.
Contact CPAC:
Phone:  1-800-752-4391
"Gary Glenn, president of the faith-based American Family Association of Michigan, said (homosexual activist group) GOProud's inclusion is a mockery. 'It does damage when CPAC gives its seal of approval to a group promoting a hard-left agenda,' Glenn said."
Colorado Springs, Colorado
January 2, 2009
The Pulpit
Some conservatives say their tent
isn't big enough for gay rights
by Mark Barna, The Gazette
Organizers of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) have made a decision that's got Focus on the Family Action and other Christian sponsors livid.

In December CPAC, an annual rally of Republican leaders and Christian conservatives, accepted GOProud as a co-sponsor of CPAC's February event in Washington, D.C. GOProud supports gay rights and marriage, but still considers itself a conservative Republican group because it is for smaller government, lower taxes and strong national defense, GOProud executive director Jimmy LaSalvia told me.

"It is vitally important that all the members of the conservative party come together and offer solutions to the Democrats' unmitigated growth of government," LaSalvia said of the reason GOProud wanted to be part of CPAC 2010.

But that's not good enough for some faith-based CPAC sponsors.

"We're fully engaged in making our objection known, both to the CPAC committee and to the parent organization, the American Conservative Union," said Tom Minnery, senior vice president of government and public policy for Focus Action, the political arm of Focus on the Family. Minnery did not say if Focus Action would pull out of CPAC if GOProud remained a co-sponsor.

Gary Glenn, president of the faith-based American Family Association of Michigan, said GOProud's inclusion is a mockery. "It does damage when CPAC gives its seal of approval of a group exploring a hard-left agenda," Glenn said.

Kevin Roberts is executive director of Catholic Families for America, a CPAC co-sponsor. He told me he will make his displeasure known over the inclusion of the gay-rights group during his CPAC speech.

"I will be speaking on traditional values (during my speech)," Roberts said.

CPAC did not return phone calls for an interview.

Formed in April, GOProud has 2,000 members who believe fiscal conservatism can exist alongside gay rights activism. LaSalvia formed the Washington. D.C.-based group after learning that 1.3 million gays voted for Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. That made him realize that Republican gay rights supporters need a voice.

LaSalvia, who is gay, is OK being in a political party that, for the most part, opposes his desire to legally marry a man. "Just because we disagree on a few issues, we still have a lot of views in common," he said.

But it's not all an uphill battle for GOProud. Some CPAC co-sponsors like JunkScience.com welcome the organization.

"If the group is for free enterprise, individual liberty, sound science and limited government, and is against socialism and central government, it's OK with me," JunkScience.com founder Steve Milloy said.

For more interviews with co-sponsors on the CPAC controversy, go to my blog, The Pulpit, at www.thepulpit.freedomblogging.com. Call me at 636-0367.

American Family Association of Michigan is not on the current list of CPAC 2010 sponsors. Its president is Gary Glenn.  "GOProud wants to integrate homosexuals into barracks and fox holes (i.e., into the military). They promote an agenda that will cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.  We are hopeful that CPAC will rethink this shallow decision."

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TAKE ACTION: Our Constitutional Rights have fundamentally altered!!~Ak Prayingmom

Louie Stanley commented to the Health Care Resolution

"Just about everything done in this country is unconstitutional.  I'm more worried about the power our courts are gaining by eliminating and over riding the jury system and the militarization of our civilian police force.  "
----- Original Message -----
From: "Amy Walker" <akprayingmom@mtaonline.net>
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 8:14 PM
Subject: TAKE ACTION: Our Constitutional Rights have fundamentally altered!!
Contact all your congressional representatives in the House and Senate.
Executive Order 12425 must be stopped!! [Repealed]

With the signing of an under-publicized amendment to Executive Order
12425, Barack Obama has fundamentally altered our constitutional
rights. His actions are undermining our rights to protect personal
privacy from a foreign internationalist police agency named Interpol.
Not only does this action violate the 4th and 6th Amendments to the U.
S. Constitution,, but this action has far reaching implications and
threatens the sovereignty of America.

Obama's secretive Executive Order amended an order issued by President
Reagan in 1983. Reagan's order recognized Interpol as an International
Organization and gave it privileges and immunities commonly extended to
foreign diplomats, but with significant constitutional safeguards.

Specifically, Interpol's property and assets remained subject to search
and seizure by American law enforcement, and its archived records
remained subject to public scrutiny under provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act. Interpol had to answer to the FBI and U.S. courts
under Reagan's order. These safeguards were stripped away by Obama's
action the week before Christmas without debate or explanation. Obama
picked the holiday season to make this radical change to minimize media

This order marks a significant change in federal policy and usurps the
constitutional power of our government by yielding it to an
international organization. Michael van Der Galien writes, "This
foreign law enforcement organization can operate free of an important
safeguard against government and abuse. Property and assets, including
the organization's records, cannot now be searched or seized. Their
physical operational locations are now immune from U.S. legal and
investigative authorities."

Obama has given an international organization unsupervised freedom to
investigate Americans on our own soil without recourse or the
supervision of our own government.

Why would we elevate an international police force above American law?
Why would we immunize an international police force from the
limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law-enforcement
agencies? Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice
Department, a repository for stashing government files which,
therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American
law-enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?

The U.S. Constitution clearly states that it is the supreme law of our
land and allowing the International Criminal Court to supersede the
U.S. Constitution violates America's sovereignty. Second, the War on
Terror is unpopular with Europeans and the International Criminal Court
  may attempt to prosecute heroic American soldiers with trumped up war

An added wrinkle to this executive order is that Interpol's operations
center for the United States is housed within our own Justice
Department. Many of the agents are Americans who work under the aegis
of Interpol. This order has potentially created the new civilian
security force that Obama proposed during his campaign. This group of
law enforcement officials is no longer subject to the restraints
enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

The order guarantees that Interpol officers have immunity from
prosecution for crimes they may commit in the United States. This order
shows blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution. While Obama is
extending due process rights to terrorists he is weakening those same
rights for American citizens. If a citizen were to be prosecuted by
Interpol their newly granted immunity would interfere with the
discovery process. Since Interpol files are immune to disclosure, a
citizen could be denied his right to see the information used to
prosecute him or her.

We must stop this tyrannical campaign to enslave Americans that removes
all recourse of restoration of American rights and freedom guaranteed
by law under the U. S. Constitution.

What's holding back the FairTax? Not the Patriots~

Where the challenge is coming from has to do with the Shadow power of DC fears the FairTax.  The FairTax is what the Founding Fathers had in mind before someone shot Abraham Lincoln.  Founders held that the best way to check the power of a National Government, limited in nearly every way, is to have an indirect tax.  An indirect tax requires an voluntary act to participate.
Fear of the American people as one voice would be empowered to control any evil from Government as a last resort.  Think this is extreme?  Fits in to the character of the Declaration of Independence.

Teenage Patriots of America ~ Be Pioneers for the Constitution ~ For your Liberty

Keith Broaders
I have just created a ning network for Teenage Patriots. Students will be able to go to www.quia.com/profile/TeenagePatriots and have access to games, activities, videos and quizzes about the principles of liberty and individual responsibility.

If you have sons or daughters that would like to join this ning network, have them send me an email address and I will send them an invitation. Membership is by invitation only. The site address is http://TeenagePatriots.ning.com

If you have questions please call me at (909) 790-8430

Keith Broaders
Teenage Patriots of America
Online Professor
Keith Broaders
11941 Oak Glen Road
Yucaipa, CA  92399
United States
Phone: (909) 790-8430
About me
I am a retired school teacher and coach. It has become my mission to share the principles of our Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution with as many teachers and students as possible.
Friends of the Constitution distributes FREE pocket sized copies of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence to students in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. During the month of September, we were able to distribute over 13,000 Constitutions. If you would like to support this project please contact me at the phone number listed above.
My links
Video - U.S. Constitution Part 1
Video - U.S. Constitution Part 2
Video - U.S. Constitution Part 3
Video - Bill of Rights
Video - Amendments 11-19
Video - Amendments 20-27
Video - Understanding the Constitution
Video - Understanding the Declaration of Independence
Video - The Nature and Origin of Human Rights
Video - Group Supremacy
Video - Freedom and Individual Responsibility
Video - Equality and Inequality
Video - Public Education
Video - Individualism Versus Collectivism
Video - Principles of Liberty
Video - Fate of Our Founding Fathers
Video - Washington Takes the Oath of Office
Video - Washington's Farewell Address
Quiz - Are You a Conservative, a Liberal or a Libertarian ?
