August 10, 2018

September 11 US Army General Whistle Blower

Back about 7 years ago, I was approached by a member of an international group member about joining their cause. He stated they were an Alliance of good Guys in the ultra-rich world. I at the time knew of the what we call DeepState Cabal, and thought he was part of this and turned him away. Now I find out that their is an Alliance of good guys with the nick name of White Hats taking on the corrupt international Cabal.
Some think that this Q is a player for the cabal and at the appropriate time will mislead the minds of the people.. Yet, we know that the #DeepState is real and been around for a century at least in this Country.
This Q, who may be real, knowing the international coup is real, is saying that the Alliance biggest problem coming up is how we the people react when we find out the truth about all the false flags that have been orchestrated onto we People. I|The video above is good example. Tell me that the Los Vegas shooting was this one man. Be ready for any facts out of sync with perceived reality.