April 06, 2010

The MI FairTax = More money in your pocket

Drummers and MFTA Logo
mifairtax.org official newsletter vol. 3
Ben Franklin:
Benjamin Franklin The income tax is the tax of scoundrels, wastrels, and thieves.

  Local business sign:
  "You eat an elephant one bite at a

The President's Corner
       Your Michigan FairTax Association (MFTA) is on the march.  We have: appointed an Executive Director (Mindy Fernandes), begun publication of the MI FairTax Newsletter (MI FairTax Clarion Sentinel), filled all our state level leadership positions, and initiated a Candidate Contact Program for all Michigan State and National offices to determine their FairTax position. The Michigan FairTax Association has an on going program to reach the ear of many key politicians, business leaders and organizations. Another major project is to add FAQs and other informative documents to our website while updating and improving many others.
       We continue to add Michigan candidates having been identified with the MI FairTax/FairTax as a major plank in their political platform. This growing list will be publish on our website very soon.
These candidates will spend significant dollars in their quest for office, and will spark new awareness for the  MI FairTax/FairTax message.. The MFTA says thank you to these FairTax Patriots as they seek fiscal sanity for our state and nation.
      We are working to find "heavy hitter" funding, so our core message about the MI FairTax/FairTax is able to reach prime time. For now the MFTA recognizes and appreciates all the donations of time and money from our members.
      The MFTA currently needs your help in identifying local and regional candidates and their position on the MIFairTax/FairTax as soon as possible. Respond to: john.crawford@mifairtax.org with accurate name, email, and phone contact for candidates seeking office in your area.  If you can help John to assemble the candidate contact information statewide please let him know.  The Candidate Contact program is vital to our FairTax effort.
                                                  Yours in the cause,
                                                  Roger Buchholtz

MI FairTax, the solution that provides Michigan a bright future!

           Eliminate the buying and selling of tax favors.
           The cancer which is destroying our state government.

           Guarantee citizens a larger share of their earnings.
           By Working, By Saving, By Investing.

           Remove hidden taxes from goods and services.
Create Jobs in Michigan, a magnet for business growth.
           Protect everyone from taxation on necessities.
Untax everyone's consumption up to the poverty level.

           ONLINETAXREVOLT.COM Now 241,778 Strong
           Check it out!

 Why the FairTax Prebate?

April 15 is about to teach another American civics lesson to every Michigan taxpayer and it's not what we learned in school.
      No other single public policy so reinforces a perception of self-dealing, unfairness and incompetence than the corrupted state tax system. Bloated beyond decipherability with pages of regulations, the state income tax system is driven by personal power, lobby profits and, through tax inducements and penalties, a changing menu of citizen and business manipulation.
      There is citizen anger and why not? The state government, designed to serve and reflect the will of the majority-has become a government that makes political insiders richer and more powerful at the expense of Michigan's citizens.  The primary beneficiaries of our state tax system are Members of the Legislature handing out lucrative favors to well-heeled tax lobbyists and those who can afford to game the system to their advantage. Tax Day has turned into a painful annual lesson of just how broken the state tax code is, and how much the average citizen has lost
      Foreign competitors enjoy significant cost advantages over Michigan producers because of our Michigan tax system.  In Lansing, business is very, very good. With huge sums spent each year lobbying the tax system; the recession has been a wonderful windfall for many tax lobbyists. While Michigan suffers, new aristocracies in Lansing, far from the little people who pay the bills, celebrate their good fortune.
      But we now know the unfilled promise "something must be done" is not good enough anymore. Remembering what we once learned in civics class, Michigan citizen's from across the political spectrum are taking time from their pursuits of happiness to register angry and indignant warnings to the political class that "something will be done"-or else.
      As MI FairTaxers we know the MI FairTax is the best solution. There is a growing understanding that Michigan's people cannot win back control of their own government until the state tax system is  fundamentally repaired, ripped out by the roots and replaced.
      Revolutionary? Yes, in the same spirit as Boston Harbor and why not? We are a people who rallied against "taxation without representation" and yet future generations of unborn are being taxed to secure mind-numbing levels of state debt today. There is barely concealed contempt for the average Michigan Citizen who objects to more and more of the fruits of their labor being transferred to those who pay no income taxes at all. The fact that former members of  the Legislature profit lucratively working the corruption of the tax writing committees has brought public opinion near the boiling point.
      The idea that, "we the people" are seen by the political class as primarily useful for our ability to fund personal political ambitions and unrestrained government growth continues to resonate at every Tea Party and in the growing tax rebellion now gathering steam. Those insiders who ignore this healthy insistence that public policy actually benefit the public, risk the growing wrath of a people who actually do remember what they learned in their civics lessons and understand that they have been betrayed.

Donald S. Dobrosky Sr
Editor in Chief

In This Issue
Notable and Quotable
What's Happening!
FairTax Facts
Article Headline
Did You Know?
No Time to Waste!
Featured Article
don't tread on me
Did You Know?
BUSINESS'S DO NOT PAY TAXES! The oft repeated phrase, "tax business, soak the rich", has no basis in fact, and represents a very subtle twist of the truth. This "tax business" rhetoric represents a convenient lie used by government officials to cover hidden taxes imposed upon all of us.  Business's can only obtain money to cover expenses through the sale of  their product or service. The logic is simple, the truth is painful, ONLY PEOPLE PAY TAXES.

Current Events!
April 8, Ann Arbor North Rotary Club
April 8, Troy Tea Party
April 13, Grosse Point Men's Club
April 14, Adrian Civitan
April 15, Watch for local tax events ALL OVER MICHIGAN!

Locate an event or see what's going on at our website  Calendar 

Schedule an event!

A  FairTax speaker can be obtained for any group in Michigan who requests such a program.  Contact:   
Contribute To Success!


Your donation helps to educate the public 

No Time To Waste!
The Michigan FairTax Clarion sounds a bugle call to action!
The Michigan FairTax needs ambassadors. When people understand the Michigan FairTax proposal they become passionate about it.
Passionate people will contact their representatives in Lansing, and it is their action which builds support for the Michigan FairTax.  Become a FairTax Patriot, bring justice and equality back to our tax system. Help us bring prosperity back to Michigan. We will welcome your help, commitment, and leadership...

Kool Project
The Michigan FairTax needs your help! Your volunteer FairTax leaders have been casting about looking for that person or person's who having achieved a public persona, would be willing to take a positive stand for the Michigan FairTax. A suggestion has been made that we identify those in professional sports sympathetic to a Michigan FairTax, who would be willing to be identified as a supporter. There could even be a you tube type video on our web site. We are thinking, baseball, football, hockey, basketball, college athletes, coaches, even athletic directors and or managers. The idea is to help build public recognition for the FairTax based on these endorsements.  How can you help? If you know personally any professional athletes, college athletes, coaches, etc., and could recommend, introduce, ask, make contact, or in some way facilitate their involvement in the Michigan FairTax, our program would be that much stronger. Send any information or suggestions you might have to: Info@mifairtax.org

Safe Unsubscribe
Michigan FairTax Association | PO Box 703 | Sterling Heights | MI | 48311

The people are masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the 
Constitution, but to CHALLENGE the men who pervert it.
Abraham Lincoln

       Your Michigan FairTax Association (MFTA) is on the march.  We have: appointed an Executive Director (Mindy Fernandes), begun publication of the MI FairTax Newsletter (MI FairTax Clarion Sentinel), filled all our state level leadership positions, and initiated a Candidate Contact Program for all Michigan State and National offices to determine their FairTax position.

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