December 23, 2009

Why George opposes Chairman Steele* Levis Add: a call for Revolution*RNC Chair Steele tells Teaparty no to agenda

----- Original Message -----
From: George
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: [mikehuckabee-7] Levis Add: a call for Revolution*RNC Chair Steele tells Teaparty no to agenda

When President Bush offered ACORN 20 Billion dollars to get the Democrats to support his bailout, knowing the GOP would be split, that is when I had a clear view of everything that has transpired for years, how we have went down the road of Nationalism.  Mr. Steele is a Nationalist.  We have Conservative nationalists and Conservative Federalists in the GOP , both using the mantra they are for smaller Federal Government.  The difference is, the Steeles' want a small Nationalist Government and hide that fact that it is not a Constitutional Government.  They are saying it is too late to roll back the programs we have.

That is why I think less of Michael Steele.  It has nothing to do with anything else but that.  Newt Gingrich is another and as for Romney, he is for Romney, big corporations, big international business in charge.  Truth to the NWO is there is a lot of the Presidents over the years slowly unfolding the USA into the envelope of NEO.  Why else do we still have a tax structure that is destroying us?  It is not that they are stupid.  Romney became rich with Baines Capital by allowing the tax structure to remain the same.

Now the USA is on the verge of second nation status.  By eliminating our manufacturing base, we have eliminated the foundation of employment.  Farming used to be, but the Model T-Ford changed that, switching agriculture to less consumption and less employment.  Now we have an Obama Administration, created by the 9/12/2009 Bailout, a timing in which Sarah Palin was sending John McCain over the top.  And the way he was acting, it was as if he had agreed long ago to make Obama President.  Anyway, President Bush stopped the ground swell by implementing the crisis.  The Crisis was a result of the International Banks invoking BASEL IV, a plan that demanded all members of the International Banking exchange to have their National Bank Books opened to transparency on 08-01/2009.  The USA is the only Bank of the World of Nations to fail to open their books.  The USA was given a one month extension to 10/01/2009.  To this day, congress is afraid of the Washington power, the Shadow and has not yet opened the books to Congress itself, let alone the international banks.

The Shadow played the Democrats and Republicans as a good party bad party scenario, but in the end the Nationalist left always won, with the GOP joining them on the golf courses. 

We have been hoodwinked and it continues even today.  If you close enough you will see their subtle way s of brain washing America through a complacent media, including Fox.  The difference now is, that instead of just the Congress dancing, so is the media playing off each other, throwing in little steps of instrumentalism that are accepted words being they derive from the side of support to our Populist cause.  Ever wonder why both parties put down Populists?  WE out number both partners 2 to 1.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [mikehuckabee-7] Levis Add: a call for Revolution*RNC Chair Steele tells Teaparty no to agenda

George, Why are you so hard on the GOP or Michael Steele?  We know they are the better of the 2 parties and they are conservative, which I assume everyone on this Huckabee 7 group is Republican and conservative.  Merry Christmas all.  Camille

----- Original Message -----
From: George
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:14 PM
Subject: [mikehuckabee-7] Levis Add: a call for Revolution*RNC Chair Steele tells Teaparty no to agenda

What an evening.  First off sitting with the Granddaughter, on comes this Levis commercial calling the youth to Arms.

Levi's: OPioneers! - Go Forth campaign -A battle cry for youth of West to take up by Walt Whitman |Bye RINOs

Then along comes evidence of Michael Steele telling Virginia Tea Partiers, that their agenda is not allowed:

Steele tells VA teaparty 2not demand an agenda,but go 4 seat|Good advise after Primary

@ryanobles: Michael Steele to GOP cand. in #VA5th-"If you have another agenda, I'm asking you not to play"-

Dear RNC: No more top down in primaries, period! @MichaelSteele should be fired for his war of words to VA teaparty Constitutional agenda

Only reason 4 @MichaelSteele 2 disk Teaparty is 2 advance his/RINOs Nationalist agenda: either RINOs rule or would prefer dems; or stupid

Libertarian to teaparty to Patriot to Federalist to Pioneers.We don't take no for an answer. need 10 yr plan to Constitutional spending

@RGeorgeDunn, Ten years is too long.

RT @beam_ad: RGD,Ten years is too long.|History teaches that empires don't change overnight, but take a decade or 2 for smooth transition

Patriot Federalist Pioneer,
R. George Dunn
Constitution or bust GOP!

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