March 20, 2009

Employment Tea Bag

A  three-family home  burned to the ground in  New York . A Puerto Rican family on the first floor all perished.  The black family on the second floor all  perished.   No one from the white family that lived on the third floor was injured .   
    Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were enraged, calling a press conference and demanding from the Manhattan Fire Chief an explanation of how this could possibly happen. "How," they demanded in front to the TV cameras, "did the Caucasian family  that lived on the top floor survive the inferno while the African American family and the Puerto Rican family on the two lower floors perish?"  
    To which the Chief replied "They were  all at work." 
Some of you may think this to be funny, however, in a way, the governmentalism that rules the Palestinians welfare state, by the way of our federal government, treat certain ethnic groups very simularly in comparison, but this is America(so far) and the ambition of one free to prosper is a dream to behold. 
Really?  In the halls of time of the USA we see a period in which the federal reserve controlled the level of employment under the cloak of stability.  Truth be told, the same reason our tax structure did not change after the free trade policy was implimented, so to was the control of the number of available workers.  It allowed for business to have an voer aboundant supply of employees, making the worker replaceable and cheap.
Then during Alan Greenspan's tenure as Chairman of the Private Bank, Greenspan heeded to the question, "Why does an unemployment level no lower then 5% hold the magic value?  Why not three percent and allow the American Worker the oportunity to lead the inflation.  How does that make for a variable wage?"
Greenspan discontinued the practice of employment control and allowed for a period of time that prospered us right through the Iraq wars.  But a fly in the ointment(put there) came along and now the Beast is taking advantage by destroying the dollar.  The fly is that at present the last vestage of Large Corporate Manufacturing is about to leave our shores.  Why?  How would you like to compete with foreign products with an 30% excise tax on your product you manufacture while theirs is subsidized? 
Now to the joke above, which is not a joke:  It is a reality by no opportunity, no job to obtain, no value to reach for.  How do we cure that?
1.  Adopt the plan. 
3.  Commission to return the Federal Government back to Constitutional compliance by using the Board of Governors administrative concept
Get the government out of demanding what the local level does.  i.e.  requiring rural fire department volunteers to have manditory training in order to insure a fire department.  Demand good sameriton law and make statutes sent down voluntary.  (I think that is called freedom and the founding Fathers predermined that the local precinct has authority over itself and it's citizens are such protected and disciplined.  Individualism for the individual person is as our governing bodies are also, right up to private property!
Commerce clause needs fixed and now article I, Sec. 9 of the Constitution is violated in the Bonus Tax Law and needs fixing.  Where is Daniel Webster when you need him?
Get everyone back to work with the Fair Tax Plan and the rest we will continue at our Tea Tables.  Freedom anyone?
Tea the 15th!!!
R. George Dunn

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