February 27, 2009

Watched the Romney CPAC Speech

I watched the Romney CPAC speech.  He was very good with the crowd, but he did lack any substance that would fix the Fiscal crisis.  His approach is less taxes, but has no plan for a permanent fix to job security for the American family.  We have watched our industrial base melt away by corporate Owners like Romney who have made a fortune on importing to America.  If those Corporate types were serious in wanting to fix our free enterprise, they would acknowledge that our tax structure is "A heavy or progressive or graduated income tax is necessary for the proper development of Communism." - Karl Marx and is destroying America and we are watching Washington dance as the last large industry is about to leave America.  As to the other car companies and the big three, how much of the parts are already foreign and assembled here. 
Romney also said we need to think of Global Warming not as an American plan, but as an international plan.  How does he figure that a scam at the national level is not a scam at the international level.  What he said sounded just like one of those one world nuts and from what the Bushs have done, they too are of that tree, along with all those elites in Washington.  The audience saw that and reacted, with hardly anyone clapping to the fraud, global warming.
Nope, Romney will further divide the GOP.  His days are done, regardless of how much the Washington crowd to include Fox push him.  He might as well save his money for his Grandchildren.  Don't get me wrong, I like Governor Romney, but just as a friend, not as our future leader.  Maybe he should go find a blue State and become it's Governor.  Romney is part of the insider Washington big government crowd who are already exposing their hand in pushing him for president.  NOpe, he is too RINO.


  1. Hi George - it's about time you started your own blog! Good to see you.

    I just posted some of the straw poll results from CPAC ... big shock, Romney won.

    Good to see your blog! (Why didn't you tell me?)

  2. HI Kerry, good to hear from you as my first cmmentor. How did you find the blogg? I am happy with how easy it is to operate the blogg.

  3. I found you because I saw that there were click-throughs from rgeorgedunn.blogspot.com to my blog. Good to see you as well.


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