There is muting of audio in a few places in the talk. This is link to download an Mp3 of original file.
The document in the link below is a statement by Dr Michael Yeadon. It seeks to explain in detail how how vastly inaccurate the governments present testing strategy is and backs up much of what Professor Dolores Cahill is saying in this respect.
Dr Mike Yeadon is the former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with
Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd.
📷James Todaro, MD@JamesTodaroMD~ Fauci claims "There is a study that recently came out that pre-existing immunity to coronaviruses of the common cold do not cross-react with COVID-19." Several studies put forth in a recent BMJ article disagree. What SINGLE study is Fauci talking about?
Kelb Hull
Rand Paul just confronted Dr. Fauci to his face on lockdowns: "You have been a been fan of Cuomo and the shutdown in NY. You lauded NY for their policy. NY had the highest death rate in the world. How could we possibly be jumping up and down and saying Cuomo did a great job?"