November 22, 2017

Clinton Presidential Library Refuses To Hand Over Records On Clinton, Epstein Ties

Clinton Presidential Library Refuses To Hand Over Records On Clinton, Epstein Ties November 21, 2017 ~OAN Newsroom~ The Clinton Presidential Library is refusing to hand over information on Bill Clinton’s close ties to convicted child sex offender Jeffery Epstein. One America’s Rachel Ribaudo has more.

November 20, 2017

CIA/MEU Psyop behind the curtain

NBC: Hillary Clinton Shut Down Pedophile Investigation at State Departme...

Time this come out and be stopped.  Human Trafficking is related.


Q Clearance Patriot #4chan #QAnon Drops — The Coming Storm & Reconstitut...

The Marines Have Landed At Langley

John Stossel - Capitalism vs Socialism

Campaign finance reform to where only voting constituents can donate to a campaign would end corporate control of Congress. Socialism will simply make the few wealthier by making the majority poorer.

If you want to expand the wealth to the people, stop taking their wages and let them control on what product they pay tax on and stop double taxing with single gain: tax wage, employer puts in price of product, worker consumes his own tax paid expense again.

November 01, 2017

Tim Huelskamp on Tax Reform

The American consumer who works, pays their wage tax and then when consuming, avoids Domestic product to not pay for those IRS production taxes already paid for, by buying imports as well as not being able to import the American product to create jobs. Go to FairTax and end the double taxation with single benefit to anyone.