July 20, 2010

News from Michigan FairTax Association~Summit highly successful/ @PeteHoekstra endorses MiFairTax


Drummers and MFTA Logo
mifairtax.org official newsletter vol. 11
The Michigan FairTax Association, in a show of strength and determination, sponsored a highly successful Michigan FairTax Candidates Summit at Lansing Community College on Sunday July 18th. The program was designed to allow candidates and their staff from across the state a chance to work together on campaign strategy in making the MI FairTax a winning issue as they go door to door and take advantage of support the MFTA offers to Endorsed candidates.  Gubernatorial candidate Pete Hoekstra, who has endorsed the MI FairTax, kicked off the event by indicating the importance of setting the record straight, having mutual support among FairTax candidates, getting the truth out, and passing the plan with the best opportunity to fix Michigan!
Candidates took the opportunity to get answers to any remaining questions and indicate why they support the Michigan FairTax proposal. Democrat and Republican candidates from across Michigan took time out of their busy campaign schedules to improve their skills and knowledge about the Michigan FairTax and to hear messages from former Democrat and Republican Presidential candidates, Mike Gravel and Mike Huckabee respectively, about the importance of passing the Michigan and national FairTax proposals.. As Michigan approaches its August primary, the Michigan FairTax Clarion Sentinel wishes every candidate the best. The MFTA is also hopeful we can report FairTax candidates were successful in each race to be on the November ballot. The Michigan FairTax, bringing prosperity out of depression!

Donald S. "Doby" Dobrosky
Editor in Chief:
Michigan FairTax Clarion Sentinel
     We act as if politicians are movie stars. We consider a politician informed because they hear more about what is going on, usually from sources with an ax to grind.  Few politicians will ever step out on a limb to lead, most politicians are devout followers. The only safe course for them is to follow the results generated by polls. Why should we expect the culture will change when we elect a new representative, because the candidate said it would change? The answer is, change comes from those governed, not the elected few. Change comes because the voters hold a candidates feet to the fire by requiring them to commit to clearly defined, and vetted proposals, which independent economic authorities have studied. Change comes from the people, as voters have all the power at the ballot box.
      Michigan voters can move mountains! Michigan voters can demand the Michigan FAIRTAX! When people take time to learn about the Michigan FairTax they become advocates as it will return jobs in droves to Michigan. They become supporters of removing near unlimited state taxing authority from Lansing, and returning that responsibility to the citizens of Michigan. The Michigan FAIRTAX, the Voice Of Tax Excellence, VOTE! for your favorite MI FairTax "supporting" candidate or MFTA endorsed candidate on August 3rd.  To learn which candidates support the MI FairTax, or candidates that are endorsed by our organization, go to our website www.mifairtax.org
Editor in Chief:
Donald S. 'Doby' Dobrosky, Sr.

John Adams:In my many    john adams

years I have come to a

conclusion that one useless

man is a shame, two is a

law firm, and three or more

is a congress.


 MI FairTax Prominent at Lansing Tea Party  Roger Buchholtz of the Michigan FairTax Association (MFTA) announced today that the MFTA will not accept misrepresentation, innuendo, falsehoods or half truths that attempt to undermine the Michigan FairTax proposals as a means to attack other candidates.
Individuals and organizations attempting to mislead the public in this manner will be exposed and the truth will be told.  Candidates and Political Organizations have been briefed on the Michigan FairTax proposal and have the ability to look at the Michigan FairTax website to become informed, so ignorance is not a reasonable excuse. 
    Claims that candidates, known to favor the Michigan FairTax, are going to increase taxes is false from any standpoint as, despite growth in the economy, the MI FairTax limits revenue to the state government according to the people's choice.  In fact, citizens will no longer have any tax compliance costs, nor will business tax compliance cost be passed to citizens in the form of higher prices. Under a FairTax, wholesale prices will be reduced from what they are today.

     The assertion that candidates favoring the FairTax proposal want to tax haircuts and auto repairs fail to mention that citizens are taxed for these services under the current tax system. Todays business taxes are passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices... and consumers must pay today's higher prices with after tax dollars.  Under the FairTax proposals most business taxes are virtually eliminated so prices will not include this cost, plus taxpayers will keep all that they earn, so they will be buying things that will cost less, and have more money in their pocket to make the purchase.
    Candidates and organizations making these misleading statements are, in essence, endorsing the current tax system in which citizens' true tax burden is hidden from them.  They think citizens are too ignorant to understand that business taxes are just a deceptive way of taxing us.
      Candidates favoring the MI FairTax or national FairTax could just as easily demagogue the status quo candidates and organizations by saying that they want to hide our true tax burden in the prices of all the goods and services we buy so we don't know what we are paying in taxes.  It could be claimed that they are facilitating the continued growth in the size and reach of government by hiding our true tax burden from citizens because we can't fight what we can't see.  It could be claimed that they want government to get all the tax money possible so they can have more to spend.
It's quite obvious the current system is broke. The Michigan FairTax will bring order out of confusion.
MIFairTax, the solution provides Michigan a bright future!

           Eliminate the buying and selling of tax favors.
           The cancer which is destroying our state government.

           Guarantee citizens a larger share of their earnings.
           By Working, By Saving, By Investing.

           Remove hidden taxes from goods and services.
Create Jobs in Michigan, a magnet for business growth.
           Protect everyone from taxation on necessities.
Untax everyone's consumption up to poverty level.

           ONLINETAXREVOLT 277,025 and growing
           our goal 1 million strong.
In This Issue
What's Happening!
Out and About
Notable and Quotable
FairTax Facts
Featured Article
Did You Know?
No Time to Waste!



July 18th 2010 stands out as a red letter day for the MFTA, because the first candidate summit was held in Lansing to inform and educate candidates about the FairTax issue, and coach those running on the FairTax in ways to make their campaign more effective. Attendees where treated to a key note address by Pete Hoekstra, candidate for governor who has shown the initiative and courage to campaign on the FairTax issue.
   Those at the summit where also treated to personalized video taped messages from Mike Gravel, Democrat and Mike Huckabee, Republican who have campaigned for President on the national FairTax proposal. Candidates also had time to hear from Roger Buchholtz, MFTA president, John Crawford, Linda Jolicoeur, Ron Babin, Barry Cargill, and Fulton Sheen; persons who have been instrumental in creating and presenting the FairTax in Michigan for many years.
   The conference was received by those attending with much enthusiasm, as they exchanged new ideas and strategies for presenting their possible constituencies the benefits of the Michigan FairTax. From the MFTA's standpoint the candidate summit is a milestone on the road to passage and adoption of a FairTax for Michigan.
   The overwhelming perception which seemed to energize the group, was the current system is totally broke, and is not fixable. The answer is a complete paradigm shift to a fair and equitable Michigan tax system, the Michigan FairTax. 

Did You Know?

The Michigan FairTax has more respectability and recognition than ever before. MFTA reports that many candidates state wide are running on the FairTax, while talk radio and the print media hasten to find out more about the many benefits a FairTax offers Michigan. As State Media Director for the Michigan FairTax, I believe the time is now, our goal must be to muster our strength, and pass the word to everyone we meet. Help make Michigan prosperous, share the FairTax with a friend.
Donald S. "Doby" Dobrosky Sr.
State Media Director

Current Events!
Locate an event or see what's going on at our website 

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A FairTax speaker can be be obtained for any group in Michigan who requests such a program. Contact:
It must be the headline, the top news story, the lightening bolt news about Michigan the night of and day after this November's election. The  Michigan governing class is desperately protecting it's control, it is of frontline importance.  They cannot abide relinquishing their ability to grant tax favors and concessions, in return for votes in the next election.. The Michigan Governing Class fears, and will stop at nothing, to confuse and obliterate the Michigan FairTax message. The Michigan FairTax takes away power (and cash) from them and transfers it to "We the People". This is the rest of the story! Voters must understand that there is no such thing as "FairTax Lite"!  The Michigan FairTax is a comprehensive measure that encompasses five positive solutions for Michigan's revival.  Anything else or less is simply NOT The Michigan FairTax.
Contribute to success! 


Your donation helps to educate the public 
Michigan FairTax Association | PO Box 703 | Sterling Heights | MI | 48311

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