May 26, 2009

No thanks to government health care plantation-Star Parker

Read Star Parker's weekly column
Dear Friend of CURE,

Here's Star Parker's weekly column. Hope you can take the time to read it.

No thanks to government health care plantation

To see government health care at work, we don't need to look at Canada or Great Britain or Cuba. 59 million Americans already have it -- it's called Medicaid

A note from Star Parker
Star Parker, founder and president of CURE
Four Republicans -- Senators Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Richard Burr of North Carolina along with Congressmen Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Devin Nunes of California -- have fired the first salvo in the great health care reform debate.

They've introduced the Patients' Choice Act. Now, although we have a pretty good idea of what Democrats have in mind, we await crystallization of their ideas into legislation.

The difference of approach of the two parties on health care rides on the same basic question that divides the country and the parties on everything else. Are the problems we're facing today the result of too much government intervention in our economy and our lives or not enough?

The Patients' Choice Act reflects Republican thinking that health care costs are out of control and, as result, not affordable for many, because of too much government. It allows Americans to take direct control of their health care expenditures by giving families and individuals cash in the form of a tax credit ($5700 and $2300 respectively) to buy insurance and set up a Health Savings Account.

Democrats will take things in the opposite direction. Rather than controlling costs and access through more competition and consumer control, they see it coming from more government and regulation. Mandates on employers to provide insurance, fines if they don't, and using those funds to finance a new subsidized government plan.

And central to cost control are government bureaucrats defining what procedures may be used and determining what physicians will be compensated.

I'd suggest two considerations in assessing whether today's runaway costs and inefficiencies are the result of too much government or not enough.

First, we already have massive government involvement in health care. Practically half of all health care delivered today comes directly from government programs -- mainly those begun in the 1960's. Medicare, Medicaid, and then later the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

Only 35 percent of health care is paid for through private insurance. Some 87 percent of it is paid for by third parties -- either government or employers. In 1960, 60 percent of Americans' health care expenditures were out of their own pocket. Today it is 12 percent.

So massive growth in health care spending and cost escalation correlates directly with increasing government involvement in this marketplace and decreasing consumer control over their own expenditures. Does this tell you something?

Second, to see government health care at work, we don't need to look at Canada or Great Britain or Cuba. Fifty nine million Americans already have it. It's called Medicaid.

Medicaid was passed in 1965 to cover health care for poor Americans. It is a pure entitlement. If you qualify, you are covered. Government, both federal and state, pays.

Bureaucrats define what is covered and how much physicians will be paid. And, as result, there is a huge gap between being covered and actually getting health care.

On average, 40 percent of physicians won't accept Medicaid patients. They are paid less than what it costs them to provide the care. In a survey done last year by Merritt Hawkins, a healthcare manpower firm, 65 percent of physicians said reimbursements from Medicaid were less than their costs.

Merritt Hawkins did a survey this year of physicians of different specialties in fifteen different cities on acceptance of Medicaid patients. In Washington, D.C., for example, which has the highest incidence of children living in poverty in the country, only 63 percent of surveyed physicians in family practice will accept Medicaid patients.

A federal district appeals court ruled just a few weeks ago, affecting Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, that state Medicaid programs can't be forced to pay if they disagree with a doctor's decision regarding care. In this particular case, Medicaid officials disagreed with the amount of nursing care prescribed by a physician for a teenager who suffers seizures.

A study cited by Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a physician and health care expert at the American Enterprise Institute, showed Medicaid patients to be 50 percent more likely to die after heart bypass surgery than patients with private coverage or Medicare.

Move the whole nation onto a new government health care plantation?

No thanks. I'll take freedom and personal responsibility.

Have you read these other articles by Star Parker yet?

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FairTax Org named Organization of the Decade!!!

Fair Tax. org named Organization of the Decade

WEBWIRE – Monday, May 25, 2009
Contact Information
D.Howard Foster
National Sales Director
619 517 4653

May 25,2009, San Diego, Calif,

Fair Tax.Org was just named the Organization of the Decade for their contribution of the Fair Tax. This was a public statement just minutes ago, by retired financial planner,D.Howard Foster.

In his statement, Mr. Foster said, "When you can offer the country as much as a 20% cut in the cost of living without cutting revenue to the government to run our great country, it is just like everyone getting a 20% pay raise. Everyone and especially the poor benefit from a 20% tax free pay raise. It is time the people get a serious pay raise instead of having to pay for everything.

To help make the Fair Tax a reality, Mr. Foster has put together a company called that helps educate in a very simple way just how rediculous an obsolete method of taxation can become. Foster says it has been very difficult for the Fair Tax. Org to raise the necessary cash to put their information on T.V. every day until the people see the light and demand a change. There are people that may sell tax free bonds; or want the taxes to remain complex so people can not see the slight of hand, or simply believe we should tax the rich who control 80% of the jobs, until they leave. As stupid as that sounds there are more than a few nuts out there. But once the majority sees the Fair Tax, they will put their foot down and the government will once again be reminded of who they work for.

So Foster put together a company that will provide the necessary compensation to those willing to spread the word. He said he can show every taxpayer as much as an $800 a month, guaranteed in pocket cash with unlimited potential income, working less than an hour a day online.
There is no reason in the world why a person who does the best job spreading the word, should not make as much as professional athelete when it is as important as this is. If you would like to know more please visit